Tuesday, April 15, 2008

His name will be heard in every corner of the world...

Our Lord truly is worthy of praise in all the earth.

On the other side of the world from me in the Philippines, Carmen's pathology report says no more Cancer!

Isolated in her room, with the door shut, Alyssa is not itching "like 500,000 bugs are eating me" anymore!

Across town, down the street from the church, Lucia is recuperating from her mastectomy. I have not heard yet what the pathology reports said. She had her appointment today.

In a hospital in Cuautitlan, Mexico, I spent this morning in the hospital with a sister in Christ from the church named Lupita. First diagnosis was appendicitis but a wise, thorough, and considerate doctor (believe me, those seem to be rare around here!) said "let's do a complete set of blood tests before we rush her into surgery." Result? Very bad urinary tract infection!!!!!!!!!! I know, why would that deserve ten exclamation points? Well if you had seen where they were rolling hospital beds with surgical patients....sorry just let it suffice to say a diagnosis of a urinary tract infection was like winning an oscar!

In Michigan, like 2000 plus miles from me, my uncle is home! Taking medicine for a staph infection and when infection free will have the surgery he still needs.

Near the church, Guadalupe is trying to patiently wait for the results of her mammagram. It's hard to be patient in those times, especially when the other two ladies mentioned in this blog entry are her friends!

In Atizapan Mexico, Nelson and Rebeca Morales are being used by our Lord to begin another Bible-believing, God-serving, Christ-preaching church. They are both past what you and I would call "retirement age" and they are very far from their home country of Chile.

In Nicaragua, a team of ABWE missionaries have begun a church planting center. I think around 40 Nicaraguan men are being trained to plant churches!

In New York, after three years ofGod appointed pre-field, teammates Joe and Heidi have reached 100% in their support needs! They will leave for language school in Costa Rica before April ends!

In all the world 1,400 ABWE missionaries are planting churches and training leaders in more than 80 countries! Many of them are living and serving among people groups that are hostile and closed to the Gospel.

Right here in my heart, Each night for the past few weeks I have been compelled to be on my knees interceding for most of the people I love most. I have tried so hard to even thank Him for the trials each was going through. Somehow the above mentioned praises are much easier to thank Him for. Thus the verse and picture to remind me to praise Him in ALL THINGS. I am so awed at how our Lord works all things to His glory. I think a time of praise is in order. If you have the time, actually even if you don't! Take some time tonight before you go to sleep to simply thank and praise our God for EVERYTHING He does/has done in your life and mine!

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