Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Would you covenant to pray before the throne of our Lord with us?

Please pray everyday for the following requests:
-a Pastor for the Trojes Baptist Church.
-location and funds for coffee ministry.  We will be attending a coffee expo September 1-3 in Mexico City.  To make contacts for coffee and equipment.  We have one possible awesome location, but it is expensive.
-a vehicle for our family and funds to buy it.  We have a little over half of the funds to purchase a new vehicle saved up.
-Missionary Baptist Church in Valle Dorado.  Their attendance and membership has diminished greatly and they are experiencing serious financial problems.  Pray for wisdom on the part of their leadership and ABWE missionaries as they counsel them.
-Current OMEGA course students.  They are in the middle of module 3 of the 5 module course.  All of the students are making a commitment to begin evangelism and discipleship in their neighborhoods!
-Future strategy for offering OMEGA course to existing churches and missions in the Mexico City area. (location, time frame and manpower to teach and host the students)

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