Monday, August 12, 2013

In the last month we have been awed by the answers to prayer our Lord gave!   
The annual Ladies Retreat had a lower than normal attendance but we learned alot about Jehova Nuestro Pastor!
The youth event on July 26-27 was an exciting time of watching the youth of several churches step out and use there gifts and talents to shine for Jesus!
VBS had as many as 94 kids one day!  4 adults asked Jesus to be their Savior and Lord during the closing program and 6 kids during the week.  It was a joy to see adults and youth pouring time and energy into making VBS an unforgettable experience!
We have also been amazed at how God is leading the church through changes in leadership and molding the character and testimony of many brothers and sisters in the church.  
I have been on my knees alot before our Lord asking for wisdom as I counsel women and girls.

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